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Month of Love

It is almost February which means Valentine's themed everything is about to be shoved in our faces! Hearts, pink smiley faces, cookies, cupcakes, date night ideas, and more hearts. Some people LOVE this holiday and some HATE it. But either way, it's coming.

When I was single, the holiday was a constant reminder of my status of singleness. If I had someone, I would be doing all the things and feeling content. The day was a reminder of the fact that I did not have someone and most other people seemed to have someone. Awful!

Now that I am married, it is this pressure cooker of expectations. I should get flowers. I should get my husband a gift he will love. I should go lingerie shopping and cook a delicious meal and go on a romantic vacation. Pressure!

So let's think of this holiday with new eyes. If you are single on Valentine's Day, you are not alone. I guarantee there are people in your life who LOVE you. So celebrate them. Show extra kindness to your parents. Send a sweet text to a friend. Embrace what is going well and the LOVE you do have in your life.

If you are dating someone or married, let the expectations go. Take the lid off that pressure cooker. This day can simply be a reminder to be kind and to acknowledge your person. Leave a little note in their lunchbox. Take them to a cheap dinner and eat in the park. Or go big if that is what you both want. Book a hotel room in a fun city. Get a babysitter. Enjoy each other.

How can we change the perception of these holidays? We just do. I choose to notice the hearts and rainbows and sparkles and glitter and smile. Because they are cute and make my day brighter. Do I have to do all the things to truly embrace the day? NO. So this is your reminder to LOVE yourself and LOVE whoever is in your circle on Valentine's Day. Because you deserve it and so do they.

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